0203 897 6794

Terms of Service

These Terms of Service (ToS) govern the provision of services by Verticals Consulting, a consulting agency based in Hertfordshire. By engaging our services, clients agree to be bound by these terms.

1) Creative Services
Our creative services involve thorough research and storyboarding, leading to the production of high-quality outputs in various formats including PNG, SVG, PDF, EPS, and TIFF. The key points include:

  • Copyright and Ownership: The copyright and ownership of all creative works produced will belong to Verticals Consulting until the final balance of the invoice is cleared by the client. Upon full payment, Verticals Consulting will transfer all deliverables to the client, including a declaration of copyright and ownership transfer.

2) Tech Projects

Tech projects at Verticals Consulting often require in-depth consultations, meetings, and documentation. The salient features of this service are:

  • Expert Consultation: Tech projects may involve external experts and contractors to ensure optimal output.
  • Payment for Consultation: The consultation period of any tech project requires full payment in advance to cover research and specification stages.
  • Confidentiality and Documentation: All documentation will be confidential and exclusive to the client. Verticals Consulting is willing to sign NDAs and IP Assignments as needed to ensure business integrity.

3) Marketing Services

Our marketing services are designed to maximise the impact of your campaigns. Key aspects include:

  • Ad Spend and Expenses: Clients must declare any ad spends and link their business expense cards for account purposes. Verticals Consulting will pass on a 5% surcharge for any ad spends made on behalf of the client to cover administrative and banking fees.

4) Consulting Services

Verticals Consulting offers a range of consulting services, which can be conducted via video conference or in-person meetings:

  • Booking and Payment: Consultancy must be booked in advance using our consultancy booking form, and all fees must be paid in full beforehand.
  • Ownership of Materials: All documentation, ideation, and specifications produced during consultancy sessions paid for by the client will automatically become the copyright and property of the client.

Client Responsibilities
  • Clients are responsible for providing all necessary information, feedback, and approvals in a timely manner to facilitate the smooth execution of projects.
  • Clients must ensure that all materials provided to us (like logos, text, images) do not infringe on intellectual property rights.

Intellectual Property
  • All intellectual property rights in the materials produced by our agency will, unless otherwise agreed in writing, be owned by our agency. Clients will be granted a license to use these materials as per the agreed terms.

Payment and Fees
  • Payment terms will be outlined in individual project agreements.
  • Late payment may result in suspension of services as per our Payment, Fees, and Refund Policy.

Liability and Indemnification
  • Our agency shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the services provided.
  • Clients agree to indemnify our agency against any claims arising from the use of materials or services provided.

  • Either party may terminate the agreement with written notice as per the terms outlined in individual project agreements.
  • Upon termination, all outstanding payments become due immediately.

Changes to Terms of Service
  • We reserve the right to modify these terms. Any changes will be communicated to existing clients and will apply to future engagements.

Governing Law
  • These terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom.

Last Updated 19th November 2023